We resolve two long-standing open problems in distributed computation by showing that both Byzantine agreement and Leader Election can be solved in sub-exponential time in the asynchronous full information model. Surprisingly, our protocols for both problems run in only polylogarithmic time. We thus achieve a better than exponential speedup over previous results for asynchronous Byzantine agreement. In addition, to the best of our knowledge, ours is the first protocol for asynchronous full-information leader election. Our protocols work in the full information model with a non-adaptive adversary: the adversary is assumed to control up to a constant fraction of the processors, have unlimited computational power as well as access to all communications, but no access to processors' private random bits. The adversary is non-adaptive only in the sense that the corrupted processors must be chosen at the outset. Our protocols run in time that is polylogarithmic in the number of processors, n, and tolerate t < n 6+ faulty processors for any positive constant . Our protocols are Monte Carlo, succeeding with probability 1 − o(1) for Byzantine agreement, and constant probability for leader election.