This study seeks to support an interdisciplinary, theory-practice integrated work on the applied ethics of information and communication technologies (ICT). Current work on applied ICT ethics is of a disciplinary nature and seeks to apply traditional philosophical norms to novel situations that are not easily identified by analogy to previous cases. I propose an alternative view in which ICTs are seen as a moral environment and ethical agents are seen as human-computer hybrids (cyborgs) whose experiences acquire ethical value ecologically. To implement such a view, I propose employing two different kinds of semiotics: a semiotics of meaning-making that is open to the environmental effects of cyborg acts across scales, and a material semiotics that allows for interdisciplinary practitioners to recognize the modes of existence involved in the ethical issues and work out better means-ends relationships among the modes pertinent to each discipline. Keywords: ICTs; applied ethics; applied linguistics; post-humanism, meaning-making.Resumo: Esta pesquisa busca apoiar um trabalho interdisciplinar que integre teoria e prática acerca de uma ética aplicada das tecnologias digitais da informação e comunicação. O trabalho atual em ética aplicada das TIC é de natureza disciplinar e busca aplicar normas filosóficas tradicionais às novas situações as quais não são facilmente identificadas por analogia a casos anteriores. Eu proponho uma visão alternativa pela qual as TIC são vistas como um ambiente ético e os agentes éticos são vistos como híbridos humanocomputador (ciborgues) cujas experiências adquirem valor ético ecologicamente. Para implementar esta visão, proponho que se empregue dois tipos distintos de semiótica: uma semiótica da significação que esteja aberta aos efeitos ambientais das atividades dos ciborgues em diferentes escalas, e uma semiótica material que permita aos praticantes de diferentes disciplinas reconhecerem os modos de existência envolvidos nas questões éticas e buscarem melhores relações do tipo meio-fim entre os modos implicados por cada disciplina. Palavras-chave: TIC; ética aplicada; linguística aplicada; pós-humanismo; significação. This paper presents the initial results of a research project aimed at achieving a metadiscursive/metatheoretical reasoning framework for an applied ethics of ICTs viewed as postsocial/post-human ethics of the here and now. These are philosophical and analytical-methodological perspectives that have a longstanding tradition, however short, in the digital humanities and social sciences, which most readers are probably already aware of to some degree. While pointing the readers to the works of Katherine Hayles (1999, 2011) and Karen Knorr-Cetina (1997, 2001, 2005 for a panoramic introduction to those traditions, I would like these terms, as used here, to refer to the definitions that follow."Postsocial" is a sociological perspective that emphasizes object relations as well as subject relations in explanations of social behavior. It recognizes that epistemic objec...