-Two ad-hoc, power allocation strategies for a decentralized distributed Space Time Block Coding (Dis-STBC) system is proposed in this paper where knowledge about the Channel State Information (CSI) is not available at the transmitter. The first is an open-loop strategy which requires no control signaling; the second is a feedback-assisted strategy which requires some control signaling, but which can achieve better power-efficiency. Focusing on a particular decentralized Dis-STBC scheme, the asymptotic outage probability is derived and the power-efficiency advantages of the proposed strategies over a uniform-power strategy are illustrated by evaluating the outage and link failure probabilities.Keywords: Channel State Information, decentralized distributed Space Time Block Coding, power allocation, outage and link failure probabilities.
1.INTRODUCTIONCooperative diversity is a diversity technique which is obtained when relay nodes are used for transmitting the signals. The source node transmits two independent signals to the relay node and the destination node, and the destination node receives signal from the source and the retransmitted signal from the relay node. With the help of relaying node the quality of the signal received at the destination can be improved. For notational simplification, system with three nodes namely source, relay and destination is considered.The history of the cooperative communication can find its deep roots to the groundbreaking work of [1], when the concept of relay channel model was introduced. The channel model consists of a source, destination and relay; and who's major purpose was to facilitate the information transfer from source to destination. Later, [2] deeply investigated the relay channel model, which provided a number of fundamental relaying techniques such as Decode and Forward (DF) and Compress and Forward (CF). In conventional communication, data is transmitted between the source and destination, and no user provides assistance to one another.
2.RELATED WORKA number of anonymous routing schemes have been proposed for ad hoc networks, and they provide different level of privacy protection.In [3], a distributed space-time block code (Dis-STBC) was proposed in which each relay transmits one unique column of the underlying STBC matrix. So that each selected relay knows which column to transmit, most of the proposed Dis-STBC schemes [4][5][6][7] require a central control unit or full inter-node negotiations.