We experimentally investigate the benefits of a new optical pulse coding technique for long-range, meter and submeter scale Raman-based distributed temperature sensing on standard single-mode optical fibers. The proposed scheme combines a low-repetition-rate quasi-periodic pulse coding technique with the use of standard high-power fiber lasers operating at 1550 nm, allowing for what we believe is the first long-range distributed temperature measurement over single-mode fibers (SMFs). We have achieved 1 m spatial resolution over 26 km of SMF, attaining 3°C temperature resolution within 30 s measurement time. © 2011 Optical Society of America OCIS codes: 060.2370, 280.1350 Distributed fiber-optic sensors based on Raman scattering are becoming a widely adopted technology [1], with a range of industrial applications spanning from oil and gas pipelines (for fire and leakage detection), to firealarm systems, reservoir and power cables monitoring. Raman-based distributed temperature sensor (RDTS) systems exploit the strong temperature sensitivity of the anti-Stokes Raman backscattered light, which is, however, characterized by extremely low power values, resulting in challenging measurements and requiring the use of high-sensitivity photodiodes, as well as the acquisition of many traces to decrease the noise impact through averaging. To partially overcome the trade-off among temperature resolution, sensing range and acquisition times, RDTS systems commonly employ multimode fibers (MMFs) [2,3], which are characterized by higher backscattering coefficients and also allow for higher input peak power levels before the onset of nonlinearities [3]. Unfortunately, modal dispersion ultimately limits the RDTS spatial resolution when using MMFs. Although this issue can be partially overcome by using graded-index MMFs, the best achievable spatial resolution is still limited to several meters when operating over long sensing ranges (tens of kilometers). In spite of these limitations, for many applications a better spatial resolution would be highly desired over long distances, together with fast acquisition times and high temperature resolution. In order to enhance the sensing performance of RDTS systems, optical pulse coding techniques have been proposed based on either directly or externally modulated semiconductor lasers in MMFs [2] and SMFs [4]. In both cases the strong potential in terms of signal-to-noise ratio (SNR) enhancement provided by optical coding has been somehow limited by the available power in semiconductor lasers. In particular, for RDTS systems operating on standard SMFs with pulse coding, the maximum peak power level from a semiconductor laser that can be reasonably coupled into the sensing fiber is of the order of few hundred milliwatts; however, in principle, up to ∼3-4 W could be used before exciting detrimental nonlinear effects, such as stimulated Raman scattering.Hence, the use of new coding schemes, which could be used with high-power pulsed lasers [such as Q-switched and rare-earth-doped fiber lasers ...