7Monarch butterfly (Danaus plexippus) decline over the past 25 years has received 8 considerable public and scientific attention, in large part because its decline, and that of its 9 milkweed (Asclepias spp.) host plant, have been linked to genetically modified (GM) crops 10 and the associated herbicide use. Therefore, the monarch has emerged as a poster child for 11 the anti-GM movement. Here we use museum and herbaria specimens to extend our 12 knowledge of the dynamics of both monarchs and milkweeds in the United States to more 13 than a century, from 1900-2016. We show that monarch population trends closely follow 14 those of their milkweed hosts; that both monarchs and milkweeds increased during the 15 early 20th century, and that recent declines are actually part of a much longer term decline 16 in both monarchs and milkweed beginning around 1950. Herbicide resistant crops, 17 therefore, are clearly not the only culprit, and likely not even the primary culprit, as these 18 declines began decades before GM crops were introduced. 19