OF DISSERTATION ROOT DYNAMICS OF A SHOR TGRASS ECOSYSTEMSeasonal dynamics of roots of a shortgrass system were deter mined by samples collected at two week intervals for two growing seasons (1969)(1970) with a fall and winter sampling period in between.Soil cores were taken to a depth of either 10 cm or 80 cm; the deep cores were used to determine the entire profile distributions of roots.The cores were washed free of soil particles and then the root mass was dried, weighed, ashed and reweighed. All values were expressed on an ash-free basis.Sixty percent of the root weight was in the 0-10 cm segment and 75% was found in the upper 20 cm of the soil profile. The upper 10 em increment had significant variations between dates, but the lower levels remained quite constant.Four grazing treatments (none, light, moderate, heavy) were used to determine if grazing had an effect on the root mas s. No significant differences were found among the four treatments.The usual concept of substrate storage in roots and subsequent