Fluid and solute flux between the pleural and peritoneal cavities, although never documented under physiological conditions, might play a relevant role in pathological conditions associated with the development of ascitis and pleural effusion and/or in the processes of tumor dissemination. To verify whether a pleuroperitoneal flux might take place through the diaphragmatic lymphatic network, the transdiaphragmatic pressure gradient (⌬P TD) was measured in five spontaneously breathing anesthetized rats. ⌬PTD was Ϫ1.93 cmH2O (SD 0.59) and Ϫ3.1 cmH2O (SD 0.82) at end expiration and at end inspiration, respectively, indicating the existence of a pressure gradient directed from the abdominal to the pleural cavity. Morphometrical analysis of the diaphragmatic lymphatic network was performed in the excised diaphragm of three additional rats euthanized with an anesthesia overdose. Optical and electron microscopy revealed that lymphatic submesothelial lacunae and lymphatic capillaries among the skeletal muscles fibers show the ultrastructural features of the socalled initial lymphatic vessels, namely, a discontinuous basal lamina and anchoring filaments linking the outer surface of the endothelial cells to connective tissue or to muscle fibers. Primary unidirectional valves in the wall of the initial lymphatics allow entrance of serosal fluid into the lymphatic network preventing fluid backflow, while unidirectional intraluminar valves in the transverse vessels convey lymph centripetally toward central collecting ducts. The complexity and anatomical arrangement of the two valves system suggests that, despite the existence of a favorable ⌬P TD, in the physiological condition no fluid bulk flow takes place between the pleural and peritoneal cavity through the diaphragmatic lymphatic network. intraluminar lymphatic pressure; serosal fluid pressure; tissue fluid homeostasis THE DRAINAGE OF FLUID, solutes of large molecular weight, and even cells from the pleural and the peritoneal cavity mainly occurs through the lymphatic system located in the parietal mesothelial and submesothelial tissues covering the thoracic and abdominal walls and both surfaces of the diaphragm (10,12,15,19). The ability of the diaphragmatic lymphatic system to drain fluid from both the pleural and peritoneal cavity has been assessed in normal healthy animals (10, 12) by using experimental approaches that were meant to respect the physiological condition as much as possible. The results from these studies, whereas demonstrating the importance of the diaphragmatic lymphatics in maintaining the serosal fluid volume, failed to reveal or suggest the occurrence of fluid transfer between the pleural and peritoneal cavities through the diaphragm itself. However, the existence of direct transdiaphragmatic lymphatic pathways often has been proposed (4, 25) to explain clinical observations like the development of hydrothoraces secondary to peritoneal dialysis or ascitis. At present it is not clear whether the recruitment of a direct transdiaphragmatic pathway wi...