Abstract. We establish a Bohr-Sommerfeld type condition for quasinormal modes of a slowly rotating Kerr-de Sitter black hole, providing their full asymptotic description in any strip of fixed width. In particular, we observe a Zeeman-like splitting of the high multiplicity modes at a = 0 (Schwarzschild-de Sitter), once spherical symmetry is broken. The numerical results presented in Appendix B show that the asymptotics are in fact accurate at very low energies and agree with the numerical results established by other methods in the physics literature. We also prove that solutions of the wave equation can be asymptotically expanded in terms of quasi-normal modes; this confirms the validity of the interpretation of their real parts as frequencies of oscillations, and imaginary parts as decay rates of gravitational waves.Quasi-normal modes (QNMs) of black holes are a topic of continued interest in theoretical physics: from the classical interpretation as ringdown of gravitational waves [11] to the recent investigations in the context of string theory [33]. The ringdown 1 plays a role in experimental projects aimed at the detection of gravitational waves, such as LIGO [1]. See [35] for an overview of the vast physics literature on the topic and [6,36,37,53] for some more recent developments.In this paper we consider the Kerr-de Sitter model of a rotating black hole and assume that the speed of rotation a is small; for a = 0, one gets the stationary Schwarzschild-de Sitter black hole. The de Sitter model corresponds to assuming that the cosmological constant Λ is positive, which is consistent with the current Lambda-CDM standard model of cosmology.