HAMANA, K., and MATSUZAKI, S. 1991. Polyamine synthetic ability of the eubacteria Halococcus acetoinfaciens, Halococcus agglomeratus, and Halococcus nondenitrificans. Can. J. Microbiol. 37: 350-354. Polyamine synthetic activity was compared among the three eubacteria Halococcus acetoinfaciens (JAM 12094), Halococcus agglomeratus (JAM 12095), and Halococcus nondenitrificans (JAM 12096). Putrescine was produced by decarboxylation of ornithine but not from agmatine in the three species. N-Carbamylputrescine was converted to putrescine in the latter two species. Lysine decarboxylase activity was found only in H. acetoinfaciens, which contains aminopropylcadaverine, aminopentylnorspermidine, and N,N'-bis(3-aminopropy1)cadaverine in addition to spermidine, spermine, and thermospermine. In H. acetoinfaciens when diaminopropane was added to the culture medium, both norspermidine and norspermine were synthesized; when homospermidine was added, aminopropylhomospermidine was formed. In contrast H. agglomeratus and H. nondenitrificans synthesize putrescine, spermidine, and trace amounts of spermine but cannot synthesize other triamines and tetraamines from diamines and triamines supplemented to the culture medium.