Detection of Spiroplasma citri Saglio et al. by enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA) and by culturing has been used to diagnose citrus stubborn disease in Syria and Iraq. There was an excellent correlation between symptom expression and detection of S. eitri by these techniques. Stubborn symptoms in Syria are similar to those in California and Mediterranean countries. The disease is widespread within the Lattaquia-Tartous area. Young, 3-4 year-old trees propagated in this area from budwood found to be free of stubborn by repeated indexing in Corsica, showed stubborn symptoms and were found to be infected with S. citri. Natural spread of the spiroplasma is probably involved.I n Iraq, three types of symptoms were used to detect stubborn trees in January: small, lopsided fruit with aborted seeds, sucker-like shoots with blunt, ovoid or palmate leaves, and leaf mottle. All the trees showing these symptoms were infected by S. citri.