Percentage of petal-water content and pH of the cell-sap of the petal of test flowers were determined at different developmental stages. The experimental results noticed that petal of developmental stages are altered their water content and pH of the cell-sap. Among the flowers, the floral pigment content in petal exhibited the following order Clitoria ternatea > Rosa indica >Hibiscus rosasinensis > Mirabilis jalapa. The colour pigments viz. flavonoids, anthocyanins and phenol derivatives, protein, sugar and other nutrients present in petal of test flower might have act as potent colorant, antioxidant and neutraceuticals in food market. The procurement of color pigments from petal of the flower at appropriate level i.e. basing on developmental stage, is highly essential for further processing and manipulation through screening and evaluation. Pigment manipulation and utilization in food industry is a new field for sustainable health aspect and alternatives technology for better green environment.
K e y w o r d sAnthocyanin, Flavonoids, Petals, Developmental stage, Pigments.
Accepted:21 June 2017 Available Online: 10 July 2017
Article InfoInt.J.Curr.Microbiol.App.Sci (2017) 6(7): 2053-2068 2054 biochemical composition of petal tissue. Flavonoids, the sub cellular localization is just one of several factors that determine the behaviour of the pigment molecule in the cell and the colour generated from it (Brouillard and Dangles, 1993).Flowering, often associated with senescence and death, is a dramatic phenomenon in monocarpic plants, where the whole plant dies after flowering or fruiting. In polycarpic plants, death is restricted to parts of the flower itself-those which senesce and abscise soon after flowering. This process represents a dramatic change in the pattern of differentiation at the shoot apex or in the axillary buds close to it. Such a complex process is regulated by both internal factors and environmental signals. In most cases, the flower is the organ with the shortest period of longevity (Halevy and Mayak, 1981), which varies greatly from species to species, but is relatively constant within any one species. The control mechanisms of flower growth and development during its life span have been reported only in few cases (Eason andWebster, 1995 and Teixeira da Silva, 2006b). Petals are the floral organs that primarily determine the commercial longevity of flowers, and as a consequence much attention has been given to the physiological, biochemical and genetic processes that occur during petal development (Eason and Webster, 1995).This developmental process is characterized by several phases including differentiation, cell division, cell enlargement and ultimate death i.e. senescence. Much of the petal growth is associated with the result of cell enlargement. Relatively little is known on the physiology of flower and petal in comparison with that of other plant organs, such as leaves. The whole natural period of growth and development is much shorter in petals than leaves and hence petals seem to be a...