Microbiotic crusts play an important role in arid and semi-arid regions. Yet, very little information exists regarding the factors that impact their development. In an attempt to assess the main factors that may determine their growth, measurements of the amount of fines (silt and clay), rain, moisture content, wetness duration and wind erosion and deposition were carried out along a 12 station transect within a partially crusted dune field in the western Negev Desert and compared to the crust cover and chlorophyll content. Surface stability was the only variable that exhibited significant relationship with crust cover while daylight wetness duration exhibited strong positive relationship (r 2 = 0·92-0·99) with the crust's chlorophyll content. The data point out that microbiotic crusts may serve as a useful biomarker for surface stability. While wetness duration and wind will control crust cover and the crust chlorophyll content in semi-stable habitats (with absolute annual change in sand level of 2-3 mm), stable habitats (absolute change <1 mm) will be controlled primarily by moisture, while habitats with low surface stability (absolute change of tens and hundreds of millimeters) will be primarily controlled by wind. Furthermore, owing to the strong positive relationship between daylight wetness duration and the crust's chlorophyll content, the crust may serve as a useful biomarker for the quantification of surface wetness duration. (100 to 200 m) interdunes. The dunes are characterized by relatively long north-facing slopes and by relatively short south-facing slopes. Most of the dunes have a mobile crest Figure 4. General layout of the transect (a), and average annual crust cover (b), chlorophyll a content (c), crust thickness (d) and wetness duration (e). Bars represent one standard deviation.Figure 5. The relationship between crust thickness and the crust chlorophyll content.Figure 11. (a) Suggested relationships between chlorophyll, wetness duration and surface stability, (b) and surface stability as a function of wetness duration and chlorophyll content.