Distyly is a genetically controlled fl oral dimorphism, characterized by the reciprocal positioning of pin and thrum morphs, a heteromorphic incompatibility system and a balanced morph ratio (isoplethy). Th is study aimed to investigate the phenology, features of distyly, reproductive biology, and fl oral visitors of Psychotria goyazensis Mull. Arg. (Rubiaceae), an intramorph self-compatible species, in a tropical semideciduous forest in the municipality of Catalão, located in the state of Goiás, Brazil. Th e phenology was recorded for a sample of individuals, the fl oral morphology being described using fresh and fi xed material. Th e incompatibility system was tested using controlled hand pollinations. Floral visitors were collected and identifi ed. Blooming began in November 2009 and ended in April 2010. Fruits developed from December 2009 to March 2010. Th e population presented atypical distyly, because only plants with pin fl owers were found. Th e intramorph and open pollinations set more fruits than did spontaneous self-pollinations. Th e main fl ower visitors were Systropus sp. (Diptera), as well as Hymenoptera and Lepidoptera species. Morphological variations in distyly can occur by breakdown/permutation of the gene that controls the polymorphism. However, some authors argue that, in Rubiaceae, genetic control of the incompatibility system can operate independently of the morphological factor, and species might respond in diff erent ways to the same selective pressures.