“…1, and compare the various capacities with and without side information of an additive noise channel. Since choosing a uniform distribution for X achieves capacity for any discrete additive noise channel, we have for Cases II and III C SI@REC = C SI@BOTH = log jX j 0 s p(s)H (Zs) = log jX j 0 H (Z j S) (19) and for Case I C NOSI = log jX j 0 H (Z): (20) We thus have the following chain of inequalities: where C SI@BOTH 0 C SI@TR = I (S;Z) C SI@BOTH 0 C NOSI = I (S; Z ): (22) We have equality in the second inequality in (21), i.e., C SI@REC = C SI@TR , iff the distributions of Z s , s 2 S differ by a shift only, in which case the optimumZ is statistically independent of S . We have equality in the first inequality in (21), i.e., C SI@TR = CNOSI , iff H (Z) = H (Z), i.e., iff the optimal shifts ft min (s); s 2 Sg are the set of zero shifts.…”