29Every plant cell has a genetic circuit, the circadian clock, that times key processes 30 to the day-night cycle. These clocks are aligned to the day-night cycle by multiple 31 environmental signals that vary across the plant. How does the plant integrate 32 clock rhythms, both within and between organs, to ensure coordinated timing? 33To address this question, we examined the clock at the sub-tissue level across 34Arabidopsis thaliana seedlings under multiple environmental conditions and 35 genetic backgrounds. Our results show that the clock runs at different speeds 36 (periods) in each organ, which causes the clock to peak at different times across 37 the plant in both constant environmental conditions and light-dark cycles. Closer 38 examination reveals that spatial waves of clock gene expression propagate both 39 within and between organs. Using a combination of modeling and experiment, 40we reveal that these spatial waves are the result of the period differences 41 between organs and local coupling, rather than long distance signaling. With 42 further experiments we show that the endogenous period differences, and thus 43 the spatial waves, are caused by the organ specificity of inputs into the clock. We 44 demonstrate this by modulating periods using light and metabolic signals, as 45 well as with genetic perturbations. Our results reveal that plant clocks are set 46 locally by organ specific inputs, but coordinated globally via spatial waves of 47 clock gene expression. 48 49