1 Whole-cell voltage-clamp recordings were made from single smooth muscle cells isolated from the longitudinal layer of the guinea-pig small intestine.2 Levcromakalim ((-)Ckm) inhibited delayed rectifier K-current (IK(DR)) and induced a voltageindependent K-current (IK(Ckm)). Both effects were inhibited similarly by glibenclamide. In some cells, however, IK(-ckm) could be induced without any effect on IK(DR)-3 Ba2" caused a voltage-dependent block of IK(dckm). The IC50 was 0.2 mM at -40 mV (6 cells), but at 0 mV 2 mM Ba2" caused only a 26 ± 7% inhibition (n = 5). Ba2+ had much less effect on IK(DR), 2 mM Ba2" having no inhibitory effect on current elicited by depolarization to -30 mV (n = 6) or 0 mV (n = 5).