The aim of this research is to understand whether gender issues and their intersections have been incorporated into the production of knowledge coming from the meetings of the National Association of Graduate Studies and Research in Administration in Brazil (ANPAD) over the years. A literature review of papers published in the proceedings of ANPAD Meetings (EnANPAD) between 1997 and 2021 was conducted to identify the presence of the thematic axes: gender, sexuality, class, and race. Titles and abstracts of 21,057 papers were analyzed. Were classified 682 papers, in at least one of the axes. The analysis presents quantitative data that shows the volume of scientific work per thematic axis. In addition, the qualitative analysis of the texts identified as intersectional was carried out. The results showed that intersectionality is still not very present in the research presented at EnANPAD, evidencing a weak connection with the social and economic structural context of the country. However, a growing movement, albeit slow, was noted from 2005. The theoretical contribution of this study consists in highlighting an overview of intersectionality in the field of studies in Administration in Brazil. This study can guide future research agendas and Graduation Policies.