Rallos, L. E. E., Johnson, N. G., Schmale, D. G., Ill, Prussin, A. J., II, and Baudoin, A. B. 2014. Fitness of Erysiphe necator with G143A-based resistance to quinone outside inhibitors. Plant Dis. 98:1494-1502.Management of grape powdery mildew (Erysiphe necator) using qui none outside inhibitors (Qols) has eroded in an increasing number of regions due to resistance development. To determine persistence of re sistance when Qols are withdrawn, competition assays were conducted on unsprayed grape plants (Vitis vinifera 'Chardonnay') by cycling mixtures of resistant and sensitive isolates characterized as genetically diverse based on microsatellite analyses. Under laboratory conditions, %G143A, quantified by quantitative polymerase chain reaction (qPCR), increased significantly, indicating competitiveness of the resistant fraction. To confirm competitiveness in the field, trials using potted plants were conducted. Percent G143A tended to decrease in one growing season, probably due to spore migration and mixing of populations with natural background inoculum. In a second season, Qol resistance persisted at high frequency for 4 weeks. Resistant popu lations were also found to persist in one vineyard without Qol applica tion for four consecutive years. The frequency was still about 25% in the fourth year, with higher frequency (36%) in a hotspot section. Qolresistant populations with >5% G143A also harbored Y136F in the cyp51 gene that confers some resistance to sterol demethylation inhibi tors, another fungicide class for powdery mildew control. Double re sistance could have been partly responsible for persistence of Qol resistance at this location.