This research is aimed to examine moderating role of firms' rank in ASEAN corporate governance scorecard on effect of foreign ownership on firm value in ASEAN. Research sample consists of 491 manufacture firms listed in stock market of Thailand, Singapore, Philippines, Indonesia, and Malaysia from 2012-2013. With regression analysis, this research finds that big 50 of highest ASEAN corporate governance scorecard rank moderates effect of foreign ownership on firm value in ASEAN. High ASEAN corporate governance scorecard; as improvement of rights of shareholders, equitable treatment of shareholders, role of stakeholders, disclosure and transparency, responsibilities of the board; supports foreign shareholder role in firm value increasing. Management could make firm policy about optimal foreign ownership structure as well as optimal corporate governance, so management could maximizes shareholders wealth by firm value increasing. Investors, who have interest send their investment abroad especially in ASEAN, have to see condition of corporate governance, so investors' wealth could be maximized.Keywords: ASEAN corporate governance scorecard, foreign ownership, firm value. Thailand, Singapore, Philippines, Indonesia, and Malaysia tahun 2012-2013
Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menguji peringkat perusahaan berdasarkan ASEAN corporate governance scorecard, sebagai variabel pemoderasi, atas pengaruh kepemilikan asing terhadap nilai perusahaan di ASEAN. Sample penelitian terdiri dari 491 perusahaan manufaktur yang terdaftar di pasar modal