“…Floristic composition: E 1 : 100% Arrhenatherum elatius 4, Cerastium holosteoides 2, Convolvulus arvense 2, Poa pratensis 2, Trisetum avescens 2, Dactylis glomerata 1, Myosotis arvensis 1, Acetosa pratensis +, Achillea millefolium agg. +, Anthoxanthum odoratum +, Crepis biennis +, Elytrigia repens +, Jacea phrygia +, Knautia arvensis +, Leucanthemum vulgare +, Lotus corniculatus +, Lychnis os-cuculi +, Medicago lupulina +, Plantago lanceolata +, Ranunculus acris +, Tragopogon orientalis +, Trifolium pratense +, Veronica chamaedrys +, Vicia sepium +The presented physico-chemical properties of the soils at the Šobov locality, their changes and the plant community have a signi cant effect on the biological and microbiological properties of the soils, including the biodiversity of soil mycocenosis(Balogová 2022, Nosalj et al, 2021.Mycocenosis of the Šobov localityThe occurrence of microscopic lamentous fungi at plots Š1 -Š3 at the Šobov locality, where research has been conducted since 1993, has been documented byAdamcová (2010), Holub et al (1993), Nosalj et al (2021), Nováková et al (2012), Šimonovičová (2013), Šimonovičová et al (2019)d bohová et al…”