Abstract. The ultrastructure, distribution and transovarial transmission of endosymbiotic bacteria in representatives of six aphid families: Eriosomatidae (Pemphigus spyrothecae, Prociphilus fraxini), Anoeciidae [Anoecia (Anoecia) corni], Drepanosiphidae [Mindarus abietinus, Sipha (Rungsia) maydis, Clethrobius comes, Myzocallis (Lineomyzocallis) walshii], Thelaxidae (Thelaxes dryophila), Aphididae (Delphiniobium junackianum, Aphis viburni, Cavariella theobaldi, Macrosiphoniella tanacetaria) and Lachnidae (Schizolachnus pineti, Eulachnus rileyi) were studied at the ultrastructural level. The ovaries of aphids are accompanied by large organs termed bacteriomes that consist of giant cells termed bacteriocytes. The bacteriocyte cytoplasm is tightly packed with endosymbiotic bacteria. Ultrastructural observations have shown that the bacteria Buchnera aphidicola (primary symbiont of aphids) present in various species are characterized by significant differences in both size and organization of their cytoplasm. In the aphids, Prociphilus fraxini, Sipha (Rungsia) maydis, Thelaxes dryophila, Aphis viburni, Cavariella theobaldi, Macrosiphoniella tanacetaria, Eulachnus rileyi and Schizolachnus pineti, in addition to Buchnera aphidicola, secondary endosymbionts are also present. The bacteriocytes containing secondary endosymbionts are less numerous than those with Buchnera. In Eulachnus rileyi (Lachnidae), in addition to primary and secondary endosymbionts, there is a third type of microorganism. In all species examined both the primary and secondary endosymbionts are transovarially transmitted from mother to offspring.