BohBCek et al. have proposed that the flagellated, gram-positive cocci be included in the genus PZanococcus Migula, particularly on the basis of their per cent guanine plus cytosine content. A serological examination of these organisms (10 strains) by the author revealed no antigenic relationship to staphylococci or micrococci, thus substantiating the conclusion of BohaCek et al. that they do not belong to the genus Micrococcus.Antigenically , the group of strains was rather heterogeneous. Most authors have placed the flagellated, The double diffusion in agar technique was the gram-positive cocci of marine origin in the same as that used by Haukenes and Oeding (7). Thick genus Micrococcus Cohn. BohACek et ale (2-4) suspensions Of live 18-hr cultures were tested against and Kocur et al. (9) demonstrated that these muted immune sera. Polysaccharide A (6), polycoccus aureus, polysaccharide B from S. epidermidis, cytosine (GC) content and suggested that included as references. they be in the genus Pzanococcus Cell walls were prepared from the two flagellated Migula, 1894. Schleifer and Kandler ( 13) found strains 3 16 and 1849. that the 10 strains studied by BohaCek et al. and Kocur et al. were uniform with respect to bacteria differ considerably from micrococci and staphylococci in their per cent guanine plus saccharide 263 (81, and Protein A (5 I from Staphyloand polysacchaide AC from ~j c r o c o c c u s (11) wereRESULTS the type of inurein present in their cell walls and that this murein was different from the mureins found in the cell walls of members of the genera Micrococcus and Staphylococcus. Their results thus supported the taxonomic suggestion of BohiCek et al. (2, 3).The purpose of the study reported here was to examine serologically the 10 strains of flagellated cocci used by the above-mentioned authors to determine (i) whether they are serologically related to staphylococci and micrococci and (ii) what serological similarities or dissimilarities exist within the group. MATERIALS AND METHODS Bacterial strains. The 10 strains of flagellated, marine cocci were kindly furnished by M. Kocur, Czechoslovak Collection of Microorganisms (CCM), Brno. Their cu.ltural, morphological, and biochemical characteristics have been described by BohiCek et al. (9).Sera. Preirnmune sera and immune sera were obtained from the Gade Institute's breed of New Zealand White rabbits. Immune sera were produced by intravenous injections of formalin-killed bacteria (1 2).Methods. Agglutination was carried out on slides by using live bacteria (12) grown on nutrient agar at 30 C for 18 hr.