Previous studies from our laboratory have shown that an allele of the heat shock protein GroEL (groEL411) is able to specifically suppress some of the physiological defects of the single-stranded DNA-binding protein mutation ssb-1. A search for additional alleles of the groE genes which may act as suppressors for ssb mutations has led to the identification ofgroEL46 as a specific suppressor of ssb-113. It has very little or no effect on ssb-l or ssb-3. All of the physiological defects of ssb-113, including temperature-sensitive growth, temperaturesensitive DNA synthesis, sensitivity to UV irradiation, methyl methanesulfonate, and bleomycin, and reduced recombinational capacity, are restored to wild-type levels. The ssb-113 allele, however, is unable to restore sensitivity ofgroEL46 cells to phage X. The mechanism of suppression of ssb-113 by groEL46 appears to differ from that of ssb-1 by groEL411. The data suggest that GroEL may interact with single-stranded DNA-binding protein in more than one domain.The single-stranded DNA-binding protein (SSB) is an essential component in key metabolic reactions of DNA metabolism in bacteria. It plays several important roles in DNA replication, as well as in DNA repair and recombination. The specific roles of SSB in these processes have been discussed in detail in several recent reviews (24,37,46,52). Mutations in the ssb gene have proved to be excellent as a means of probing the various functional domains of the SSB protein and have suggested that the defect in SSB-113 lies in an inability to interact properly with other enzymes, while that of SSB-1 lies in an inability to form tetramers (11,52,72) or to properly bind DNA in the tetrameric form (7). The use of extragenic suppressors is a useful experimental approach to probe and identify in vivo protein-protein interactions (27). A defect in one protein due to mutation may be suppressed by a compensatory mutation that alters the structure of a protein with which it must interact. The result is a functional double mutant. By using such an approach, we have previously identified an unsuspected interaction between SSB and the heat shock (HSP) or stress protein GroEL (54,60). A mutation (groEL411) was able to phenotypically suppress the temperature-sensitive defect of SSB-1 in DNA replication and to partially restore the defect in DNA repair.Originally, groEL was identified by the inability of phage X or T4 to grow on strains carrying mutations in this gene (19,73). Subsequently, it was shown that GroEL is involved in X phage morphogenesis by providing a scaffold for the assembly of phage heads (31). GroEL was later identified as 1 of 20 different proteins now known to be induced by heat shock or other cellular stresses (19,20,57). Indeed, at 30°C, GroEL and GroES account for nearly 1% of the total protein, and after temperature shift to 46°C, this percentage increases to 10 to 12% (25, 29). The GroE proteins are among the major HSPs of Escherichia coli (25).In an effort to continue the investigation of the interaction * Corres...