We argue that dynamic changes in DNA supercoiling in vivo determine both how DNA is packaged and how it is accessed for transcription and for other manipulations such as recombination. In both bacteria and eukaryotes, the principal generators of DNA superhelicity are DNA translocases, supplemented in bacteria by DNA gyrase. By generating gradients of superhelicity upstream and downstream of their site of activity, translocases enable the differential binding of proteins which preferentially interact with respectively more untwisted or more writhed DNA. Such preferences enable, in principle, the sequential binding of different classes of protein and so constitute an essential driver of chromatin organization.Keywords DNA supercoiling . DNA translocases . Chromatin organization . Superhelicity gradients . DNA untwisting . DNAwrithing Dynamic changes of DNA supercoiling act as a driving force behind the alterations of genetic activity and DNA compaction both in eukaryotes and prokaryotes. Both these processes involve formation of spatially organized nucleoprotein structures by DNA architectural proteins. Whereas in eukaryotes the paradigmal example is the histone octamer, in prokaryotes a similar function is attributed to a small class of highly abundant nucleoid-associated proteins. We argue that, depending on the primary sequence organization, the changes of superhelicity elicit various alterations of local DNA geometry, while these, in turn, facilitate the assembly of distinct nucleoprotein structures pertinent to genetic function. Genome-wide conversion of the superhelical energy into various three-dimensional DNA structures thus acts as an analogue code coordinating the energy supply with the genetic expression of the chromosome.Recent studies make it increasingly clear that the DNA double helix carries at least two types of encoded information and that these include the well-known genetic code and the structural information determining the form and physical properties of the double helix itself. Since both these information types are inscribed in the same DNA sequence, and yet one is discrete whereas the other is continuous, they have been respectively dubbed the digital and analog DNA codes (Marr et al. 2008;Travers et al. 2012;Muskhelishvili and Travers 2013). The potential of the DNA to adopt distinct configurations is strongly modulated by DNA supercoiling, which is increasingly recognized as one of the major forces coordinating the cellular DNA transactions in both prokaryotes (including Archaea) and eukaryotes.DNA supercoiling can be generated by the simple application of torque to the double helix (Strick et al. 1998) but, importantly, because the DNA molecule itself possesses chirality-it is, after all, a right-handed double helix-the local structures stabilized by changes in superhelical density depend on both the sign and strength of the applied torque. For example, both positive and negative torque (respectively overand underwinding of the double helix) can change the intrinsic coiling of ...