As populations become increasingly urbanised, the preservation of urban green space becomes paramount. Despite the potential from cross-sectional evidence, we know little about how to design new, or improve or promote existing, urban green space for environmental, health and well-being benefits. This chapter highlights aspects to be considered when designing and evaluating urban green space interventions that aim to maximize environmental, social and health benefits, and address equity issues. Based on a review of international research evidence and a compilation of European case studies, the chapter addresses the variety of green space intervention approaches and their related impacts. There was strong evidence to support park-based and greenway/trail interventions employing a dual-approach (i.e. a physical change to the urban green space and promotion/marketing programmes particularly for park use and physical activity); strong evidence for the greening of vacant lots for health, well-being (e.g. reduction in stress) and social (e.g. reduction in crime) outcomes; strong evidence for the provision of urban street trees and green infrastructure for storm water management for environmental outcomes (e.g. increased biodiversity, reduced air pollution, climate change adaptation). Urban green space has an important role to play in creating a culture of health and well-being. Results show promising evidence to support the use of certain urban green space interventions for health, social and environmental benefits. The findings have important implications for policymakers, practitioners and researchers.