Our Letter to the Editor, related to the article "Small bowel capsule endoscopy in patients with cardiac pacemakers and implantable cardioverter defibrillators:Outcome analysis using telemetry" by Cuschieri et al , comments on some small errors, that slipped into the authors discussions. The given informations concerning the pacemaker-and implantable cardioverter defibrillators modes were inaccurate and differ between the text and the table. Moreover, as 8 of 20 patient's pacemakers were programmed to VOO or DOO ("interference mode") and one patient was not monitored by telemetry during capsule endoscopy, 9 of 20 patients (45%) lack the informations of possible interference between capsule endoscopy their implanted device. Another objection refers to the interpretation of an electrocardiogram (figure 1, trace B) presented: in contrast to the author's opinion the marked spike should be interpreted as an artefact and not as "undersensing of a fibrillatory wave". Finally, three comments to cited reviews were not complete respectively not quoted correctly.