The problem of two electrons in a two-dimensional random potential is addressed numerically. Specifically, the role of the Coulomb interaction between electrons on localization is investigated by writing the Hamiltonian on a localized basis and diagonalizing it exactly. The result of that procedure is discussed in terms of level statistics, the expectation value of the electron-electron separation, and a configuration-space inverse participation number. We argue that, in the interacting problem, a localizationdelocalization crossover in real space does not correspond exactly to a Poisson-Wigner crossover in level statistics.PACS 71.23An; 71.30+h; 71.23−k §1. Introduction. The problem of two interacting particles (TIP) in a random potential has received much attention in the last few years. The focus has been primarily on TIP in one dimension (1D), where most investigators have dealt with particles interacting via an on-site potential. (For a concise summary of the various approaches used, and results obtained, we refer the reader to the articles in ref. [1].) The reason for all the attention (and controversy) is the result, first found by Shepelyansky [2], that the TIP actually propagate coherently through a length much larger than the one-particle localization radius, which can lead to an enhancement of transport [3]. We address the related problem of localization in 2D systems, and how it is affected by a long-range electron-electron interaction (EEI).The more general problem of the interplay between disorder, interaction and quantum tunneling, and their combined effect on electronic localization is not new. While the Hartree Coulomb repulsion introduces an additional random energy and thus enhances localization, the possibility that quantum correlation due to the EEI may act to delocalize the electrons was proposed twenty years ago by Pollak and Knotek [4], and Pollak [5], but a firm answer has not been achieved yet. Computationally, the main difficulty in the finite-electron-density problem is the huge phase space for systems of reasonable size [6]. Existing work [6,7,8,9,10] resorted to various approximations. In contrast, the TIP problem for reasonably large systems can be solved without such approximations: double occupation of sites can be accounted for, spin and exchange included, and the entire phase space can be examined. A motivation for the problem considered here is the ability to make inferences about approximations made in investigations of finite-density and few-electron systems [11,12,13,14,15,16]. We hope furthermore that the work may contribute to insight into the mechanisms at play in the experimental reports on an observed metal-insulator transition (MIT) in 2D [17].In the present paper, we deal with two electrons in a random potential interacting via a long-range Coulomb interaction, and investigate numerically the effect of that EEI on electronic localization. A tool used frequently to assess localization has been the distribution p(s) of nearest-level spacings s. In the absence o...