Aim: Applying prevention bundles to all patients to reduce surgical site infections (SSI) after colorectal surgery is expensive and has minimal success. The aim of this study was to identify factors associated with high-risk of superficial SSI and to assess the impact of prevention measures on high-risk patients. Method: Between January 2010 and February 2014, patients who underwent colorectal surgical procedures were separated into the pre-bundle period (January 2010-July 2012) and bundle period (August 2012-February 2014. Factors associated with superficial SSI risk were evaluated. Pre-bundle and bundle patients were categorized in deciles from low-to high-risk using a risk model. The impact of prospectively introduced protective measures was assessed in the bundle patients with multivariate modeling and frequency-matched analysis. Results: There were 2.535 pre-bundle patients who underwent ileocolic (19.1%), left-sided (46%), and pelvic (34.9%) procedures. Overall superficial SSI rate was 10.7%. Four patient-related factors and five procedure-related factors were found to be significantly associated with superficial SSI on unadjusted analysis. Comparison of pre-bundle patients on whom the risk model was built and the bundle patients used in the risk assessment showed significant decrease in superficial SSI rates (10.6% to 3.2%, p<0.001). Frequency matched analysis demonstrated a significant reduction in superficial SSI from pre-bundle to bundle patients (13.1 to 4.2%, p<0.001). Among the risk deciles in bundle patients, the reduction from the average predicted risk to the observed superficial SSI rate was most evident among the high-risk groups. Conclusion: Preventive strategies specifically aimed at patients with the highest risk for superficial SSI after colorectal surgery resulted in the highest reduction. Considering the variability of SSI rates, collaborative and targeted policies are critical to ensure efficacious and potentially cost-effective strategies. Keywords: Superficial surgical site infection, prevention bundle, colorectal surgery, high-risk patients Amaç: Kolorektal cerrahi sonrası cerrahi alan enfeksiyonlarını (CAE) azaltmak için hazırlanan önlem paketlerinin tüm hastalara uygulanması pahalı olup minimal başarıya sahiptir. Bu çalışmada yüksek riskli yüzeyel CAE'leri ile ilişkili faktörler ve koruyucu önlemlerin yüksek riskli hastalardaki etkinliğini değerlendirmek amaçlanmıştır. Yöntem: 2010 Ocak ve 2014 Şubat tarihleri arasında kolorektal eksizyon uygunlanan hastalar önlem demeti öncesi (2010 Ocak-2012 Ağustos) ve demet dönemi (2012 Ağustos-2014 Şubat) olmak üzere identifiye edildi. Yüzeyel CAE riski ile ilişkili faktörler değerlendirildi. Demet öncesi ve demet dönemi periyoduna ait hastalar risk modeli oluşturularak 1/10'luk gruplar şeklinde düşük riskten yüksek riske doğru kategorize edildi. Demet dönemi periyoduna ait hastalara prospektif olarak uygulanan koruyucu önlemlerin etkisi çok değişkenli modelleme ve frekans-eşlemeli analiz ile değerlendirildi. Bulgular: İleokolik (%19,1)...