This paper examines the space-time performance of in-memory conjunctive list intersection algorithms, as used in search engines, where integers represent document identifiers. We demonstrate that the combination of bitvectors, large skips, delta compressed lists and URL ordering produces superior results to using skips or bitvectors alone.We define semi-bitvectors, a new partial bitvector data structure that stores the front of the list using a bitvector and the remainder using skips and delta compression. To make it particularly e↵ective, we propose that documents be ordered so as to skew the postings lists to have dense regions at the front. This can be accomplished by grouping documents by their size in a descending manner and then reordering within each group using URL ordering. In each list, the division point between bitvector and delta compression can occur at any group boundary. We explore the performance of semi-bitvectors using the GOV2 dataset for various numbers of groups, resulting in significant space-time improvements over existing approaches.Semi-bitvectors do not directly support ranking. Indeed, bitvectors are not believed to be useful for ranking based search systems, because frequencies and o↵sets cannot be included in their structure. To refute this belief, we propose several approaches to improve the performance of rankingbased search systems using bitvectors, and leave their verification for future work. These proposals suggest that bitvectors, and more particularly semi-bitvectors, warrant closer examination by the research community.