“…Regardless of the lack of laboratory determinations of TP for Lockwood and Patrick, apparently the fairly large increase in concentration (about 0.3 mg/L TP) observed at Patrick (table 5) is an artifact of sampling and time-of-travel idiosyncrasies. For example, because the estimated traveltime between Lockwood and Patrick was 6.6 hours [this value was used in the TRWQ model (Nowlin, 1987)], the six highest concentrations at Patrick on August 8,1979 (0.97,1.1, 1.3,1.3,0.96, and0.80 mg/L: La Camera andothers, 1985, p. 48), probably represented the phosphorus that had passed through Lockwood before the first water sample had been collected there, at 1:00 p.m. (1300 hours).…”