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JEL Classification C23, F35, O19. By liberalizing trade and capitalizing on areas of comparatives advantages, the developing countries can benefit economically. There are a lot of obstacles which constraints the ability of countries to engage in international trade. Aid-for-Trade (AFT) is a part of overall Official Development Assistance (ODA)-which helps developing countries to build their trade in global markets. This paper employs System-GMM technique to examine whether AFT helps Asian aid-receiving countries to improve their export performance over the period [2000][2001][2002][2003][2004][2005][2006][2007][2008][2009][2010][2011][2012][2013][2014][2015]. The results show a positive and significant effect of AFT in multiple measures of export performance. However, the aids should be targeted and avoid any misusing.
Contribution/ Originality:This study is one of very few studies which have investigated the impacts of total AFT and bilateral and multilateral AFT on selected Asian countries by using SYS-GMM which is new to AFT literature.