Polygamy (including trioecy and subdioecy), the co-occurrence of males, hermaphrodites, and females in natural populations, is a rare and poorly studied breeding system expressed in Fraxinus excelsior L. (Oleaceae), a wind-pollinated tree. Here we investigate siring ability of pollen from male vs. hermaphrodite individuals to better understand this sex polymorphism. We conducted single-donor and two-donor pollination experiments and compared both fruit set and seed siring success, assessed with polymorphic microsatellite markers, of male and hermaphrodite individuals. Single pollen donor crosses allowed us to verify the male function of hermaphrodites. However, pollen from hermaphrodites was much less proficient than male pollen, with males siring 10 times as many fruits in single donor pollination treatments. This result was strengthened by the surprisingly low reproductive success of hermaphrodites in pollen competition conditions: of the 110 seedlings analyzed three were selfed and only one was sired by the hermaphrodite donor. The remaining 106 were sired by the male pollen donor. These results raise the question of the maintenance of male fertility in hermaphrodites in Fraxinus excelsior. Male function of hermaphrodites in this species now needs to be assessed under field conditions.