______________________________________ Tamara Newtoniii DEDICATION I dedicate this dissertation to Aoidê, Meletê, and Mnêmê.I dedicate this dissertation to Rochina Cipriani.To me they are the same.To think on her: "Questo é amore" iv ACKNOWLEDGMENTS Although I know that people typically don't take the time to read the acknowledgments, and many feel that they are unimportant, I believe there is a good reason they are included, which has nothing to do with convention. It lies in the fact that no one can achieve what they do without the assistance of others. Those people deserve to be acknowledged. Therefore, I will not be limiting my acknowledgment section for reasons of space preservation.I would like to begin with the Beguine. In doing so, the first person deserving of my acknowledgment is my loving wife. She has been religious in her devotion to the completion of my degree, sacrificing much. She has also been on this slow dance for the complete duration, and I believe she is nearly as excited as I am that the music has finally faded and we can step off the dance floor. I am excited to begin a post-dissertation life with her. This almost goes without saying, but the person at the University of Louisville who has had the greatest influence on me has been my mentor, Keith Lyle. My wife and I have both on occasion remarked that I "lucked out" with getting Keith as my mentor.Although Fortuna was never one of the goddesses I held in high esteem, this case may be the one exception. Keith has been everything a mentor should be: pushy and patient, critical and kind, knowledgeable, and enthusiastic. The impact he has had on my progression as a researcher and writer is too immense to put into words. I can think of no other way to acknowledge his help and impact than to say this dissertation is only possible because of him.To several of the current and former members of Kentucky Wesleyan College I am also grateful. To Dr. David Oetinger for stressing the importance of precision in all vi things; to Doctors Tony Lee and Kurt Knoll for showing me the paradox of a boundless mind existing within a finite and bound universe; to Dr. Justin Rosemeier for sharing my interests in natural selection and a certain refined way of languaging with one another; to Dr. Lynette Taylor for introducing me to so many wondrous topics; to Inge Schleiden weil sie immer für mich da war; and last, but certainly not least, to Dr. Bernie Bettinelli for doing nothing less than kindling my interest in learning.My grandmother, Carol Balvin, has also had a huge impact on me. She has always been extremely kind, and is living proof that love can be unconditional. I cannot adequately express how glad I am of all the support she has given me over the years. I hope she knows how important all her care has been to any accomplishments I may have made throughout my life, including the completion of this dissertation.My sister, and the namesake of my muse, Rochina Mulvaney has unknowingly constantly pushed me to succeed. When we were growing up this sweet little ...