“…Due to the changed view on careers, more and more people are looking for jobs that are fulfilling their own personal needs and therefore intrinsic motivation plays an increasingly 5 192 Discussion important part in employment contracts (Hall, 1996(Hall, , 2004. Since incentives are generally seen as controllers of behavior, employees' intrinsic or autonomous motivation is inhibited when incentives are used (Deci, Koestner, & Ryan, 1999;Holmås, Kjerstad, Luråsd, & Straume, 2010). Since the extrinsic motivation given by the incentives cannot compensate for all of the loss in intrinsic motivation, employee job performance drops when incentives are used to motivate these employees (Deci, et al, 1999;Falk & Kosfeld, 2006;Wong-On-Wing, Guo, & Lui, 2010).…”