Background: Household emergency preparedness, at the individual and family micro-level, is often identified as below national disaster preparedness standards.Aims: Conceptual clarity of household emergency preparedness is foundational for disaster preparedness research, theory construction, and instrument use.Materials & Methods: Adhering to Walker and Avant's (2019) concept analysis method, the purpose of this paper is to outline the concept of household emergency preparedness by identifying the uses of the concept, the defining attributes, antecedents, consequences, and empirical referents. Literature sources were identified using the Cumulative Index for Nursing and Allied Health (CINAHL), ProQuest Central, PsycInfo, PubMed, and government websites. Conclusion: Concept clarification is critical for future selection of research designs involving multidisciplinary community-based interventions for household emergency preparedness, as well as to understand how preparedness efforts at the individual and family micro-level may influence larger disaster preparedness system outcomes. K E Y W O R D S concept analysis, household emergency preparedness, public health 1 | INTRODUCTION Response efforts around COVID-19 made the concept of household emergency preparedness (HEP) a priority in National Health Security discussions across the United States. 1 As state executive orders forced individuals to shelter at home, HEP was challenged, with widescale increases in demand for key supplies, resulting in panic buying. 2The COVID-19 pandemic emphasized the importance of resourcespecific HEP; however, recent disasters demonstrate that actionspecific HEP is also important. 3,4 Despite national preparedness efforts to increase HEP levels, scholars report low states of readiness at the individual/family subsystem levels. [4][5][6][7][8][9] HEP is essential for individual, family, and community resilience, especially among subpopulations with chronic health issues, functional impairments, or pregnant women and children. 10 Since HEP is the desired outcome of the Federal Emergency Management Agency's (FEMA) strategic plan to increase the number of adults who engage in three or more action-based preparedness activities, 11 a concept analysis is needed to clarify the internal structures of HEP and to determine perceived and actual uses of HEP. Systems-level thinking offers a comprehensive innovative way to synchronously examine the unique characteristics of emergency preparedness subsystems within a larger emergency preparedness framework. Complex emergency preparedness interdependencies should prevent stakeholders from assuming HEP changes will be appropriate in all subsystems, considering sociodemographic, contextual, and cultural factors. [12][13][14] Adhering to Walker and Avant's 15 process of concept analysis, the purpose of this paper is to outline the concept of HEP by identifying the uses of the concept, defining the attributes, antecedents, consequences, and empirical referents. The conceptualization and operationalization ...