Fluvial networks integrate, transform, and transport constituents from terrestrial and aquatic ecosystems. To date, most research on water quality dynamics has focused on process understanding at individual streams, and, as a result, there is a lack of studies analyzing how physical and biogeochemical drivers scale across fluvial networks. We performed tracer tests in five stream orders of the Jemez River continuum in New Mexico, USA, to quantify reach-scale hyporheic exchange during two different seasonal periods to address the following: How do hyporheic zone contributions to overall riverine processing change with space and time? And does the spatiotemporal variability of hyporheic exchange scale across fluvial networks? Combining conservative (i.e., bromide) and reactive (i.e., resazurin) tracer analyses with solute transport modeling, we found a dominance of reaction-limited transport conditions and a decrease of the contributions of hyporheic processing across stream orders and flow regimes. Our field-based findings suggest that achieving knowledge transferability of hyporheic processing within fluvial networks may be possible, especially when process variability is sampled across multiple stream orders and flow regimes. Therefore, we propose a shift in our traditional approach to investigating scaling patterns in transport processes, which currently relies on the interpretation of studies conducted in multiple sites (mainly in headwater streams) that are located in different fluvial networks, to a more cohesive, network-centered investigation of processes using the same or readily comparable methods. Key Points: • Reactive tracer tests revealed reaction-limited conditions along a firstto fifth-order fluvial network during contrasting flow regimes • Processing rate coefficients and Damköhler numbers decreased along the continuum • Results support modeling expectations of decreasing hyporheic contributions along fluvial networksSupporting Information:• Supporting Information S1 regional water quality and ecological functioning (Alexander et al., 2007;Freeman et al., 2007;Gomez-Velez & Harvey, 2014).In addition to making up a larger proportion of catchment reach lengths, low-order streams are thought to have greater influence over hyporheic zone processing than their high-order counterparts throughout various fluvial networks. For example, Gomez-Velez et al. (2015) found that vertical hyporheic excursions into the streambed generally decreased with increasing stream order in the Mississippi River network, meaning that watershed hyporheic contributions to overall riverine processing decreased with increasing stream order over large spatial scales. Additionally, shallower stream depths, typically found in low-order streams, maintain closer contact between surface water and reactive bed sediments and may encourage higher streambed reaction rates (Harvey & Gooseff, 2015). The expectation of decreasing hyporheic zone processing relative to total riverine processing with increasing stream order is in line with hydr...