In this letter we study the non-equilibrium spin dynamics in the non-integrable spin-1 XXZ chain, emerging after joining two macroscopic pure states with different magnetizations. Employing the so-called time-dependent variational principle (TDVP) we simulate the dynamics of the total magnetization in the right (left) half of the system up to times that are normally inaccessible by standard tDMRG methods. We identify three distinct phases depending on the anisotropy of the chain, corresponding to diffusive, marginally super-diffusive and insulating. We observe a transient ballistic behaviour with a crossover time that diverges as the isotropic point is approached. We conclude that on intermediate-large time scales the dynamics is well described by the integrable Landau-Lifschitz classical differential equation.Introduction. One of the greatest quests of out-ofequilibrium statistical physics is obtaining an appropriate classical description of quantum non-equilibrium phenomena on hydrodynamical scales. While this has been achieved to large extent in integrable systems [1-6], holographic theories [7-9], or at low temperature [10][11][12], it remains an open question when generic systems are under consideration. Nonetheless, it has recently been proposed that an appropriate description might be provided by the time-dependent variational principle (TDVP) [13][14][15][16] which, in contrast with standard tensor network approaches [17] includes the conservation of local integrals of motion. The TDVP dynamics provides an effective non-linear classical time evolution on the space of matrixproduct states (MPS) at fixed bond dimension and it is therefore expected to thermalize with similar qualitative [16,18], and in some cases also quantitative [16], features as the underlying quantum evolution of a generic quantum system. Such systems are expected to exhibit diffusive transport behaviour in general but it has recently been proposed that transport near-equilibrium might be altered even on intermediate-long time scales by the presence of global symmetries (despite the absence of integrability) [19][20][21]. This scenario was questioned in [22], showing the necessity of probing the interplay between charge transport and global symmetries in a more controlled set-up.In this letter, we consider the transport properties of the non-integrable anisotropic spin-1 chain far from equilibrium. In particular we focus on two setups, the socalled domain wall and twisted initial conditions [23][24][25][26][27][28][29][30][31][32][33], which are experimentally relevant, and widely used for probing the transport and non-equilibrium dynamics in many-body systems [34][35][36][37]. We compute the time evolution using the TDVP algorithm at fixed bond dimension up to times ∼ 10 3 , in units of spin coupling and compare it with the results obtained by a standard tDMRG algorithm. We observe that the time evolution of the time-integrated current, namely the total magnetization flowing from one side of the chain to the other, converges rapidly wit...