This article explores how young people see their relationships, particularly their sibling relationships, in families affected by domestic violence, and how relationality emerges in their accounts as a resource to build an agentic sense of self. The 'voice' of children is largely absent from domestic violence literature, which typically portrays them as passive, damaged and relationally incompetent. Children's own understandings of their relational worlds are often overlooked, and consequently existing models of children's social interactions give inadequate accounts of their meaning-making-in-context. Drawn from a larger study of children's experiences of domestic violence and abuse, this paper uses two case studies of sibling relationships to explore young people's use of relational resources, for coping with violence in the home. The paper explores how relationality and coping intertwine in young people's accounts, and disrupts the taken for granted assumption that children's 'premature caring' or 'parentification' is (only) pathological in children's responses to domestic violence. This has implications for understanding young people's experiences in the present, and supporting their capacity for relationship building in the future.
1Callaghan J, Alexander J, Sixsmith J & Fellin LC (2017) Children's experiences of domestic violence and abuse: siblings' accounts of relational coping, Clinical Child Psychology and Psychiatry, 22 (4), pp. 649-668. Copyright © The Author(s) 2015. Reprinted by permission of SAGE Publications.
2Children's experiences of domestic violence and abuse: siblings' accounts of relational coping This article explores how young people see their relationships in families affected by domestic violence (DV) and how relationality emerges in their accounts as a resource to build an agentic sense of self. In understanding children's experiences of DV, academic literature has typically positioned children as passive 'victims' and 'witnesses', 'damaged' or impacted by the violence they live with. Children who grow up in circumstances of DV are described as at risk of a range of psychosocial difficulties, including risk of mental health difficulties across the lifespan (Meltzer et al. 2009, Mezey et al. 2005, educational challenges (Byrne & Taylor, 2007), and interpersonal difficulties in their own future intimate relationships and friendships (Black, Sussman, & Unger, 2010;Ehrensaft et al., 2003;Siegel, 2013). They are also more at risk of both bullying and being bullied (Baldry, 2003;Lepistö, Luukkaala, & Paavilainen, 2011) and are vulnerable to a range of other possible abuses across their lifespan (Finkelhor, Ormrod, & Turner, 2007;Turner, Finkelhor, & Ormrod, 2010). They are represented as having more 'concrete' styles of relating and reduced emotional competence (Katz, Hessler, & Annest, 2007;Katz & Windecker-Nelson, 2006). Recently, literature has suggested that not only are children impacted psychosocially, but that the lasting traumatic impact of witnessing violence also raises...