Deeper flows through bedrock in mountain watersheds could be important, but lack of data to characterize bedrock properties limits understanding. To address data scarcity, we combine a previously published integrated hydrologic model of a snow-dominated, headwater basin of the Colorado River with a new method for dating baseflow age using dissolved gas tracers SF 6 , CFC-113, N 2 , and Ar. The original flow model predicts the majority of groundwater flow through shallow alluvium (<8 m) sitting on top of less permeable bedrock. The water moves too quickly and is unable to reproduce observed SF 6 concentrations. To match gas data, bedrock permeability is increased to allow a larger fraction of deeper and older groundwater flow (median 112 m). The updated hydrologic model indicates interannual variability in baseflow age (3-12 years) is controlled by the volume of seasonal interflow and tightly coupled to snow accumulation and monsoon rain. Deeper groundwater flow remains stable (11.7 ± 0.7 years) as a function mean historical recharge to bedrock hydraulic conductivity (R/K). A sensitivity analysis suggests that increasing bedrock K effectively moves this alpine basin away from its original conceptualization of hyperlocalized groundwater flow (high R/K) with groundwater age insensitive to changes in water inputs. Instead, this basin is situated close to the precipitation threshold defining recharge controlled groundwater flow conditions (low R/K) in which groundwater age increases with small reductions in precipitation. Work stresses the need to explore alternative methods characterizing bedrock properties in mountain basins to better quantify deeper groundwater flow and predict their hydrologic response to change. Plain Language Summary Snow in mountain systems is an important water source but little is understood how snow processes dictate groundwater flow paths, the age of stream water, and its sensitivity to climate or land use change. We use a recently developed stream water gas tracer experiment in a steep mountain stream in a Colorado River headwater basin. A hydrologic model cannot match gas tracer data if groundwater flow is shallow, moving through the unconsolidated material near land surface, because groundwater moves too quickly. Instead, groundwater must follow deeper, longer flow paths through the fractured granitic bedrock. A sensitivity analysis shows that this snow-dominated headwater basin is functioning near a precipitation threshold. With wetter conditions, little change occurs to groundwater flow paths and ages are insensitive to changes in climate or forest removal. However, with small decreases in snowpack accumulation, groundwater flow paths become increasingly deeper and older. Collecting stream water gas data helped identify groundwater flow path sensitivity to climate and land use change.