33The ubiquitylation/deubiquitylation balance in cells is maintained by 34Deubiquitylating enzymes, including ATXN3. The precise role of this protein, 35 mutated in SCA3, remains elusive, as few substrates for its deubiquitylating 36 activity were identified. Therefore, we characterized the ubiquitome of 37 neuronal cells lacking ATXN3, and found altered polyubiquitylation in a large 38 proportion of proteins involved in RNA metabolism, including splicing factors. 39Using transcriptomic analysis and reporter minigenes we confirmed that 40 splicing was globally altered in these cells. Among the targets with altered 41 splicing was SRSF7 (9G8), a key regulator of MAPT (Tau) exon 10 splicing. 42Loss-of-function of ATXN3 led to a deregulation of MAPT exon 10 splicing 43 resulting in a decreased 4R/3R-Tau ratio. Similar alterations were found in the 44 brain of a SCA3 mouse and humans, pointing to a relevant role of this 45 mechanism in SCA3, and establishing a previously unsuspected link between 46 two key proteins involved in different neurodegenerative disorders. 47 48 Ataxin-3/ Neurodegeneration/ Serine-Arginine rich splicing factor 7 (SRSF7 or 49 9G8)/ Splicing/ Ubiquitylation 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 1,6 ). Impairment of the UPP has been connected to several neurodegenerative 75 diseases such as Alzheimer's (Reviewed in 7 ), Parkinson's (Reviewed in 8 ) 76 and Hungtington's (Reviewed in 9 ) diseases. Like most post-transcriptional 77 modifications, ubiquitylation is a reversible signal and is counterbalanced by 78 deubiquitylating (DUB) enzymes, which remove Ub units and play an 79 important role in the modulation of proteins by the proteasome as well as the 80 autophagic pathway 10-12 , and in Ub signaling in general. Several pieces of 81 evidence have suggested that Ub may also regulate splicing: (i) Ub and Ub-82 like proteins have been shown to copurify with splicing complexes 13,14 , (ii) 83 ubiquitylated splicing factors have been identified in proteomic screenings 15,16 84 and (iii) several functional domains related to Ub pathway have been 85 identified in important spliceosome proteins, such as Jab1/MPN domain of the 86 essential U5 SnRNP component Prp8 17-20 . Thus, the action of DUBs has a 87 major impact on the ubiquitylated proteome (also known as ubiquitome).88 Ataxin-3 (ATXN3) is a protein with DUB activity known to be involved in 89 Spinocerebellar ataxia type 3 (SCA3)/ Machado Joseph disease (MJD), a 90 neurodegenerative disorder of adult onset caused by the expansion of a 91 polyglutamine (polyQ) tract in this protein. Interestingly, in addition to being 92 involved in global protein quality control responses 21,22 , normal ATXN3 93 appears to participate in cell adhesion and in the organization of cytoskeleton 94 network 23-26 , to be involved in transcriptional regulation and DNA repair 27-29 , 95and to be required for neuronal differentiation 25 . Nevertheless, the relative 96 relevance of these functions and the physiological role of this highly 97 conserved but genetically non-essential prot...