After 8-1 0 segments of posterior ventral nerve cord were ablated in Lumbriculus variegatus, touch-evoked locomotor responses were evident both in segments anterior and posterior to the ablation site. However, responses in these two regions were independent and uncoupled. During recovery, four outcomes were observed at the ablation site: (Group 1) recovery of normal functions with no growth of new segments; (Group 2) formation of a laterally protruding, multi-segmented, ectopic head; (Group 3 ) formation of a laterally protruding, amorphous, and multi-segmented outgrowth; and (Group 4) segmental autotomy. i n Groups 1 and 2, touch-evoked swimming and body reversal were studied. in addition, sensory fields and conduction properties of giant nerve fibers were examined near the ablation site. i n some Group 1 worms, clear-cut behavioral and electrical signs of recovery and reconnection were seen by 3 d after ablation. By 8 d, all worms had recovered and exhibited response patterns comparable to those of normal worms. i n Group 2 worms, with an ectopic head, segments posterior to the ablation (together with those in the ectopic head), exhibited touch-evoked swimming and body reversal responses resembling those of a complete worm. Segments anterior to the ectopic head were independently capable of locomotor responses. Medial and lateral giant fiber sensory fields in worms with ectopic heads reflected a pattern expected for two worms. Thus, through apparent morphallactic reorganization, a medial giant fiber sensory field emerged which included the ectopic head and 10-1 5 adjacent posterior segments. In contrast, electrical recordings showed longitudinal through-conduction of giant fiber spikes, across the ablation site. Histological examination revealed that the giant nerve fibers in the ectopic head were complexly interconnected with those in the main body axis.Additional key words: giant axons, ectopic head, neural plasticity