Color enhancement of images has become a powerful tool in rapid evaluation of grey-scale information. Recent advances in semiconductor technology have made possible the construction of an inexpensive digital realtime color-enhanced (or false-color) display for meteorological radar information such as reflectivity and Doppler velocities. Variable magnification allows detailed analysis of selected areas of the radar coverage. The display was interfaced to a Doppler/reflectivity processor on the NHRE S-band radar at Grover, Colorado, during the 1974 hail season. A preliminary meteorological analysis of the Doppler color displays of the storm of 7 August 1974 demonstrates a large variety of significant features which may be observed either in real-time or subsequently. These include the regions of convergence and vorticity, major inflow and outflow regions, and turbulence. Most importantly, it is shown that the updraft cores can be identified with the easterlymomentum air which has been transported upward with the drafts from the lower levels. In view of the slow eastward motion of the storm system, the very large Doppler components found at the leading edge of the higher-level echo pattern also indicate rapid evaporation of the particles as they move out into the clear, dry environmental air. It is the resulting evaporative cooling which is responsible for the downdrafts in this vicinity. Among the many real-time applications of the color Doppler display, perhaps the most important in the artificial modification of convective storms is the location of the major inflow and updraft regions. These determine where seeding should be focused. The use of the color display also permits the ready discrimination of storm echoes from ground clutter in which they are frequently obscured. Its applicability to the detection of tornado cyclones and hurricane velocity mapping is also self-evident.