Abstract:Ray effects are the inherent problem of discrete ordinates method. RAY3D, a functional module of ARES which is a discrete ordinates code system, employs a semi -analytic first collision source method to mitigate ray effects. This method decomposes the flux into uncollided and collided components, and then calculates them with analytical method and discrete ordinates method respectively. In this article, RAY3D is valida ted by the Kobayashi benchmarks and applied to the neutron beamline shielding problem of China Spallation Neutron Source (CSNS) target station.Numerical results of the Kobayashi benchmarks indicate that DONTRAN3D with RAY3D solutions agree well with the Monte Carlo solutions. The dose rate at the end of the neutron beamline is less than 10.83 µSv/h in CSNS target station neutron beamline shutter model. RAY3D can effectively mitigate ray effects and obtain relatively reasonable results.