The radiation exposures of children undergoing full spine radiography were investigated in two pediatric hospitals in Greece. Entrance surface kerma (Ka,e) was assessed by thermoluminescence dosimetry and patient's effective dose (E) was estimated by Monte Carlo simulation. All required information regarding patient age and sex, the irradiation geometry, the x-ray spectra, and other exposure parameters (tube voltage and current) were registered as well. Values of Ka,e were measured to range from 0.22 mGy to 2.12 mGy, while E was estimated to range from 0.03 mSv to 0.47 mSv. In general, all values were greater in one of the two hospitals, as higher tube currents and exposure times were used in the examinations because of the difference in radiographers' training and practice. Moreover, dose to red bone marrow was found to be between 0.01 to 0.23 mSv and dose to breast ranged between 0.02 and 1.05 mSv depending on the age, projection, and hospital. These values are comparable with literature sources.