Background: Thyroglossal duct cyst a developmental anomaly present as a congenital cervical masses of neck in children.Objectives: To observe its deferent presentation and evaluate among the children. Results: Among 24 children with thyroglossal cyst, 15 boys and 9 girls with male female ratio 1.67:1, age ranged from 4 years to 18 years (mean 9.46 std ±4.27). Male (mean7.53±4.01years) child are younger than female (mean12.67±2.39 years) child. 66.67% male children were below 10 years of age and 88.89% female children were over 10 years of age. According to the presentation site 17(70.83%) cases were juxtra hyoid, 4(16.67%) were suprahyoid and 3 (12.50%) were infrahyoid. 23 (95.83%) were present as midline swelling, only 1(4.17%) was present as left lateral infrahyoid swelling. 4(16.67%) patient were attended as thyroglossal fistulae with