In a recent letter we suggested a natural generalization of the flat-space spinorhelicity formalism in four dimensions to anti-de Sitter space. In the present paper we give some technical details that were left implicit previously. For lower-spin fields we also derive potentials associated with the previously found plane wave solutions for field strengths. We then employ these potentials to evaluate some three-point amplitudes. This analysis illustrates a typical computation of an amplitude without internal lines in our formalism.In recent years significant progress was achieved in amplitudes' computations as well as in understanding of various hidden structures underlying them. This is especially true for theories of massless particles in four dimensions. For these theories one can choose convenient kinematic variables that lead to what is known as the spinor-helicity formalism. This formalism allows to compute amplitudes efficiently and produces them in an extremely compact form. This is typically illustrated by the Parke-Taylor formula [1], which gives a single-term expression for a tree-level MHV n-point amplitude in the Yang-Mills theory. The spinor-helicity formalism also fits together nicely with other techniques used for amplitudes' computations. For review on modern amplitude methods and on the spinor-helicity formalism, see [2][3][4]. The success of the spinor-helicity formalism for theories of massless particles in four dimensions motivated its various extensions -to other dimensions [5][6][7][8][9] and to massive fields [10][11][12][13].Another line of research that lead to important developments in recent years is the AdS/CFT correspondence. It is a conjectured duality between gravitational theories in AdS space and conformal theories on its boundary [14][15][16]. The AdS/CFT correspondence provides us with new tools to address important problems of quantum gravity and strongly coupled systems. On the AdS side perturbative observables are computed by Witten diagrams, which can be regarded as the AdS counterpart of flat scattering amplitudes. These diagrams can be expressed in different representations: in terms of boundary coordinates that label external lines, in terms of the associated Fourier or Mellin space variables or presented in the form of the conformal block decomposition, see [17][18][19][20][21][22][23][24][25][26][27][28] for a far from complete list of references. Each of these representations has its own virtues and for each of them major progress was achieved in recent years. In particular, more efficient methods of computing Witten diagrams were developed, relations between the analytic structure of amplitudes and types of bulk processes were understood, it was found how take the flatspace limit of Witten diagrams, thus, reproducing the associated flat scattering amplitudes. Moreover, these results can be extended to dS space producing de Sitter space correlators, which, in turn, are closely related to inflationary correlators, see e.g. [29][30][31][32][33]. Despite these successes, ...