With the majority of users migrating to a cloud computing platform, the responsibility for data security has increased considerably. As data with various levels of sensitivity moves out of the confines of the system firewall, there is no control over where it resides; it depends on the cloud server being used. This makes the use of secured cryptographic algorithms necessary to improve data security and maintain the confidentiality of data. The encryption algorithm used most extensively today is the Advanced Encryption Standard (AES). Hardware acceleration with Field Programmable Gate Array can improve the performance of AES. This study examines various approaches for improving data encryption methods that can be utilized as hardware accelerators to improve the fundamental AES cipher. Some research publications suggest ways to boost throughput while others advise ways to save area and power. Many subsequent developments have also used other cryptographic methods such as RSA and ECC to improve key management security. This study examines the outcomes of multiple ways for metrics including throughput, area, power, and data security, and explains some of the best implementation solutions for each metric individually.