Electricity infrastructure management plays a pivotal role in ensuring the reliability and efficiency of power distribution systems. In this paper, we present a comprehensive approach to electricity infrastructure management in the Samarkand region through the development and implementation of a dashboard using ArcGIS Online. The dashboard serves as a centralized platform for stakeholders to visualize, analyse, and monitor various aspects of the electricity network. Key features of the dashboard include filters by district and sub-district, as well as options to select specific electricity lines by name and voltage level. This enables users to focus their analysis on specific areas of interest within the region, enhancing the granularity and relevance of the information presented. The implementation of this dashboard represents a significant step towards modernizing electricity infrastructure management practices in the Samarkand region. By leveraging the power of GIS technology and ArcGIS Online, stakeholders are empowered with a user-friendly and intuitive tool for accessing, analysing, and interpreting electricity infrastructure data.