activated motion in these superconducting structures. [ 6 ] One of the approaches to minimize the 1/f noise caused by vortex motion is improvement of pinning properties and, hence, the critical current density ( J c ) of the superconducting fi lm. Recently, the noise performance of HTS SQUID has been improved in a magnetic environment by using YBCO fi lm with a large thickness and high J c value. [ 8 ] We have also demonstrated that fi lms with better structural integrity (smooth, no holes) minimize fl ux creep and vortex hopping in alternating magnetic fi elds and have lower 1/f noise. [ 9 ] Thus, the materials technology needs for qubits are similar to the requirements of SQUID applications, also having Josephson junctions as their basic element. High quality YBCO Josephson junctions play a key-role in the successful implementation of HTS superconducting circuits at 77 K. [ 6 ] This is mainly due to YBCO material properties, resulting from the complexity of structural characteristics and having strong infl uence on the transport properties of YBCO. [ 10 ] A range of different types of YBCO junctions have been engineered. [ 10 ] Among them, stepedge junctions are singled out due to their low cost, relatively high characteristic voltage (the so-called I R c n value of 100 to 400 μV at 77 K, [ 7,11 ] where I c is the critical current and R n is the resistance in the normal state), and excellent integrability and the scalability of the junctions. These features enable miniaturization and high effi ciency of electronic circuits, as well as applications in magnetic sensing and terahertz (THz) imaging. [ 12,13 ] Therefore, the combined enhancement of fl ux pinning, critical current and microstructure in the YBCO junctions is a crucial task for obtaining tailored junction properties towards the well-defi ned requirements. [ 1 ] In this work, we demonstrate a new straightforward, but effective multilayering approach for fabrication of HTS step-edge junctions with signifi cantly enhanced characteristics. The alternation of main YBCO and intermediate NdBa 2 Cu 3 O 7 (NdBCO) superconducting layers was shown to dramatically improve surface morphology of 1 μm thick fi lms. [ 14 ] Furthermore, this architecture resulted in considerable enhancement of fl ux pinning and current-carrying ability over a wide range of magnetic fi elds and temperatures. We have successfully managed to apply this technology to YBCO step-edge junctions and to demonstrate signifi cant enhancement of transport and structural properties in these junctions. This approach is preferred over the fabrication of thick fi lm, [ 8 ] because it enables structural tailoring with simultaneous adjustment of transport properties required for junction performance. Thus, the multilayered deposition is offering a new promising approach for applications in HTS-based electronics.Recent signifi cant progress in superconducting qubits (based on Josephson junctions) has achieved coherence times approaching to the practically required for quantum computers. [ 1 ] At the same...