“…Organisational website and repository hand searches include: the Impact Evaluation Repository of the International Initiative for Impact Evaluation (3ie), the Asian Development Bank, African Development Bank, Inter-American Development Bank, J-PAL evaluations, Innovations for Poverty Action, CEGA water and sanitation research projects, DFID Research for Development, IMPROVE International, IRC (WASH), 15 Oxfam, UNICEF, US Agency for International Development, WaterAid, and the World Bank Development Impact Evaluation (DIME) and IEG. Finally, the bibliographies of all included systematic reviews were checked to identify additional primary studies and systematic reviews.Reference lists of books, reports and meta-evaluations to capture studies missed in electronic searches, particularly early studies, include:White et al (1972),Saunders and Warford (1976), Feachem et al (1978),Cairncross et al (1980),WHO (1983),Khan et al (1986),Briscoe et al (1986),Charmarbagwala et al (2004),White and Gunnarsson (2008) and EstevesMills and Cumming (2016).…”